“A true friend is someone who has been by your side for 12 years, through all the ups and downs.”

“Friendship is not about how long you have known each other, but about the memories you have created together over the past 12 years.”

“In 12 years of friendship, we have laughed, cried, supported each other, and grown together.”

“A 12-year friendship is a testament to the trust and loyalty we have for each other.”

“Friendship is not a measure of time but a measure of the impact you have on each other’s lives over 12 years.”

“In 12 years, our friendship has only grown stronger, and I am grateful for every moment we have shared.”

“A 12-year friendship is built on a foundation of trust, laughter, and unconditional support.”

“Time may pass, but our friendship remains unchanged even after 12 years.”

“In a world that constantly changes, our 12-year friendship has remained a constant source of love and happiness.”

“Friendship is a beautiful journey, and I am glad we have been on this 12-year adventure together.”

“Through thick and thin, we have stood by each other’s side for 12 years, and I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything.”

“A 12-year friendship is like a treasure, filled with beautiful memories, secrets, and inside jokes.”

“In 12 years, our friendship has blossomed into something truly remarkable and irreplaceable.”

“Friendship is not about the quantity of time spent together, but the quality of moments shared over 12 years.”

“A 12-year friendship is a testament to the understanding and love we have for each other.” DUMB QUOTES FUNNY

“We may have known each other for 12 years, but it feels like we have been friends for a lifetime.”

“Our 12-year friendship is an unbreakable bond that has weathered every storm and stood the test of time.”

“Friendship is about being there for each other, no matter the distance or the length of time apart.”

“In 12 years, we have built a friendship that is imprinted on my heart forever.”

“A true friend is someone who has seen you at your best and worst over the course of 12 years and still loves you unconditionally.”

“Friendship is the sweetest gift, especially when it lasts for 12 amazing years.”

“Through all the changes and challenges of the past 12 years, our friendship has remained a constant source of joy and strength.”

“A 12-year friendship is a treasure that is rare and precious.”

“Friendship is not about counting the years, but about cherishing the moments shared over 12 years.”

“Our 12-year friendship is like a precious diamond, shining bright and forever valuable.”

“In 12 years, our friendship has grown deeper and richer, like a fine wine.”

“A 12-year friendship is a beautiful reminder that some bonds are meant to last a lifetime.”

“Friendship is the foundation on which we have built 12 incredible years of love, laughter, and memories.”