“Age is not important unless you’re a cheese.” – Helen Hayes

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” – Mark Twain

“There is no greater pleasure than seeing your loved ones nude.” – Charles Bukowski

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain

“Sex is like money; only too much is enough.” – John Updike

“The older I get, the better I used to be.” – Lee Trevino

“The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions.” – Ellen Glasgow

“Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you’re aboard, there’s nothing you can do.” – Golda Meir

“Sex is as important as eating or drinking, and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.” – Marquis de Sade

“Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.” – Walt Disney

“I refuse to admit that I am more than fifty-two, even if that makes my sons illegitimate.” – Lady Nancy Astor

“The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” – Lucille Ball

“The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.” – H.L. Mencken

“Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Leroy Satchel Paige

“It’s not the age, it’s the attitude” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT FAMILY WHO PASSED AWAY

“I’m not getting older, I’m just becoming a classic.” – Unknown

“Age is not how old you are, but how many years of fun you’ve had.” – Matt Maldre

“I am not young enough to know everything.” – Oscar Wilde

“Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children.” – George Bernard Shaw

“Middle age is when you’re sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn’t for you.” – Ogden Nash

“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” – Lucille Ball

“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, and that’s pretty much the same thing.” – Unknown

“Getting older is an adventure, not a problem.” – Betty Friedan

“Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy.” – Unknown

“There is no old age. There is, as there always was, just you.” – Carol Grace

“At my age, I’ve seen it all, done it all, heard it all…I just can’t remember it all.” – Unknown

“Age is something that doesn’t matter unless you are a cheese.” – Luis Bunuel

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Unknown

“You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.” – Unknown