“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to be oneself. To be untrammeled, unimpeded in thought, speech, and action.” – Winston Smith

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.” – O’Brien

“Freedom means the ability to choose between two equally undesirable options.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to know that you are being watched, constantly monitored by Big Brother.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to be ignorant, to be blissfully unaware of the truth.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to die without ever having lived.” – Winston Smith

“They can’t get inside you. If you can feel that staying human is worth while, even when it can’t have any result whatever, you’ve beaten them.” – Julia

“Freedom is the freedom to make mistakes, to fail and learn from it.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to be wrong, to hold unpopular opinions, and to challenge the established order.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to rebel, to resist oppression even if it seems hopeless.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to think critically, to question authority and the dominant narratives.” – Winston Smith MY NEXT RELATIONSHIP FUNNY QUOTES

“Freedom is the freedom to love, to form genuine connections with others in a society that discourages emotions.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to remember, to not let history be rewritten by those in power.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to create, to express oneself through art, writing, or any other form of creative expression.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to be spontaneous, to act on impulse and desire without fear of consequences.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to escape the grip of ideology, to break free from the mind-control of the Party.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to hope, to believe in a better future, even when all evidence suggests otherwise.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to resist conformity, to embrace individuality, and to reject uniformity.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to think independently, to form your own opinions and challenge the prevailing orthodoxy.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to be curious, to explore new ideas and seek knowledge without restriction.” – Winston Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to live without fear, to be able to trust and feel safe in one’s own environment.” – Winston Smith