“Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

“Two can play at this game.”

“I may be small, but I play big.”

“In this game, there are no rules.”

“I will play the game as long as it takes to win.”

“Playing games is all about strategy.”

“I’m not playing fair, I’m playing to win.”

“I play by my own rules, not yours.”

“Let’s play the game of who can hurt the most.”

“I’ll show you how the game is really played.”

“Playing games is all about mind control.”

“You want to play games? Great, I’m a pro.”

“I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to win.” QUOTES ABOUT SKATING

“Playing games is all about manipulation.”

“The game is on, and I’m in it for the long haul.”

“I’m a master at this game, don’t even try to compete.”

“Playing games is all about testing limits.”

“You think you can play this game? Prepare to lose.”

“I’ll play this game until you beg for mercy.”

“Playing games is all about power play.”

“I’m not afraid to break the rules in this game.”

“You started this game, but I’ll finish it.”

“Playing games is all about psychological warfare.”

“I’ll play dirty if it means winning the game.”

“In this game, only the strongest survive.”