“Artificial intelligence is the new electricity.” – Andrew Ng

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” – Stephen Hawking

“Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 202” – Ray Kurzweil

“By far, the greatest danger of artificial intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” – Eliezer Yudkowsky

“Artificial intelligence is here to stay. We cannot turn off the machine when we don’t like it.” – Fei-Fei Li

“Artificial intelligence can make our lives more efficient and productive, but it cannot replace human creativity.” – Ginni Rometty

“Artificial intelligence is neither good nor bad – it’s just power and its use depends on the user.” – Yoshua Bengio

“Artificial intelligence can automate certain tasks, but it cannot replicate the depth of human emotion.” – Demis Hassabis

“The real question is not whether machines think, but whether men do.” – B.F. Skinner

“Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by humans.” – John McCarthy

“Artificial intelligence will be the most important technology of our era, but we must make sure it’s used for the benefit of humanity.” – Elon Musk

“Artificial intelligence will transform everything we do, but we have to be proactive about its regulation.” – Sundar Pichai

“The pace of progress in artificial intelligence is incredibly fast. I am increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight.” – Bill Gates

“Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.” – Albert Einstein

“We cannot fear artificial intelligence. We must embrace its potential and guide its development responsibly.” – Marc Benioff

“Artificial intelligence is not a genie that only grants wishes; it requires constant nurturing and guidance.” – John Hennessy

“The goal of artificial intelligence is to build machines that can learn from their mistakes and improve over time.” – Sebastian Thrun

“Artificial intelligence is the next frontier for human exploration – a new dimension of knowledge and understanding.” – Ursula Burns

“We should be cautious with artificial intelligence, but not fearful. It has the potential to solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges.” – Satya Nadella

“Artificial intelligence is like a four-year-old child – we need to teach it right from wrong.” – Jack Ma

“Artificial intelligence is not a replacement for humans, but rather a tool to enhance our capabilities and extend our reach.” – Kai-Fu Lee

“The biggest risk with artificial intelligence is not embracing it enough and falling behind the competition.” – Kathryn Parsons

“Artificial intelligence will be the most significant technology of the 21st century, impacting every aspect of our lives.” – Jensen Huang

“Artificial intelligence is the future of computing, and we must ensure it remains an ethical and beneficial force.” – Mark Zuckerberg

“The real value of artificial intelligence is not in replacing humans, but in augmenting them.” – Tim Cook

28 Best Quotes about Artificial Intelligence:

“Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia but for all humankind.” – Vladimir Putin

“The only way artificial intelligence is dangerous is if we use it irresponsibly.” – Elon Musk MOVING FORWARD LETTING GO QUOTES

“Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines that can act and think like humans.” – John McCarthy

“Artificial intelligence is the pursuit of creating machines that can replicate human intelligence.” – Demis Hassabis

“Artificial intelligence is set to transform every sector of our economy and make our lives more efficient.” – Sundar Pichai

“Understanding how artificial intelligence works is essential to harness its power for the betterment of humanity.” – Fei-Fei Li

“Artificial intelligence is like a child that needs guidance and nurturing to reach its full potential.” – Kai-Fu Lee

“Artificial intelligence will be the key driver of economic growth and productivity in the future.” – Satya Nadella

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” – Stephen Hawking

“Artificial intelligence is the electricity of the 21st century.” – Andrew Ng

“Artificial intelligence is not a replacement for humans; it’s a partnership that enhances our capabilities.” – Ginni Rometty

“Artificial intelligence is transforming industries, from healthcare to transportation, and revolutionizing the way we live and work.” – Jensen Huang

“Artificial intelligence will transform every aspect of our lives, from how we shop to how we communicate.” – Mark Zuckerberg

“The greatest danger of artificial intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” – Eliezer Yudkowsky

“Artificial intelligence is a tool that we can use to solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges.” – Jack Ma

“Artificial intelligence can bring us closer to the more perfect world we’ve always envisioned.” – Yoshua Bengio

“Artificial intelligence is a mirror that reflects the best and worst aspects of humanity.” – John Hennessy

“Artificial intelligence is not a replacement for humans; it’s a tool to augment our capabilities.” – Tim Cook

“We must ensure that artificial intelligence is used ethically and for the benefit of all.” – Marc Benioff

“The true potential of artificial intelligence lies in its ability to learn from experience and improve over time.” – Sebastian Thrun

“Artificial intelligence is like a rocket ship; it can take us to incredible new heights, but we must steer it carefully.” – Kathryn Parsons

“Artificial intelligence is not a competitor to human intelligence; it’s a collaborator that amplifies our potential.” – Ursula Burns

“Artificial intelligence is not magic; it’s the result of human ingenuity and perseverance.” – Ray Kurzweil

“Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the world, but we have to ensure it remains under human control.” – Bill Gates

“The real question is not whether machines think, but whether men do.” – B.F. Skinner

“Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that can help us solve complex problems and drive innovation.” – Demis Hassabis

“Artificial intelligence will enable us to understand the universe and ourselves in ways we’ve never imagined.” – Stephen Hawking

“The potential of artificial intelligence is limitless; it’s up to us to harness its power responsibly.” – Andrew Ng