“Being is, and non-being is not.”

“What is always, as it appears to men, both when they speak true and when they lie: that alone I declare to be.”

“For never shall this prevail, that things that are not are.”

“What is is ungenerated and imperishable, alone, complete, immovable and without end.”

“One path only is left for us to speak of, namely, that It is. In this path are very many tokens that what is is ungenerated and imperishable, for it is complete, immovable and without end.”

“For it is the same thing that can be thought and for the sake of which the thought exists. For you will not find thought apart from what is, in relation to which it is uttered.”

“For to be aware and to be are the same.”

“If what lacks being always has foreknowledge, then the unborn and the deceased have foreknowledge of everything.”

“How then could what is perish? How could it have come into being? For if it came into being, it is not, nor is it if ever it is going to be.”

“Never will this prevail, that things that are not are distinguished from what is.”

“The same thing is for thinking and for being.”

“For you cannot know what is not – that is impossible – nor can you utter it.”

“For the same things are to be thought of and to be.”

“For the very same thing is for thinking as for being.”

“That which is there to be spoken and thought must be: for it is possible for it to be and it is not possible for what is nothing to be.” 3 BEST FRIENDS QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“It is necessary to speak and to think what is, for it is.”

“Being always was either infinite or finite in extent; if infinite, there was no beginning, for it would have been impossible for anything to have been added to it.”

“Every way of inquiry tends to one and the same result: to find out what is.”

“But truth is the same as reality: to learn the real nature and meaning of what is.”

“Motionless in the bonds of mighty chains, its base being found in what is immovable in its entirety and thus concentrated.”

“Thus, one of the ways by which one must search and inquire is this, that it is not or it is.”

“This is the pathway of persuasion for the minds of mortals, to trust the truth.”

“Now reasoning and limitations will judge, just as it must, but if what is is, then by necessity is the total of its limits.”

“And now learn all things: both unshaken heart of persuasive truth and the opinions of mortals in which there is no true faith.”

“Nor, indeed, if it came into being will it be destroyed, for it is going to be whole and without a birthdate.”

“For it has been named with a name that is appropriate to it. What is named must either of necessity be and not be at the same time in relation to the same thing.”

“But since there is a need for it to be whole, it surrounds, with all his control, the farthest limit of time, in like manner on all sides.”

“Thought and being are the same.”