“My treasure? If you want it, I’ll let you have it. Seek it out! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it!” – Gol D. Roger

“The era where pirates dream is not over! And in the search for One Piece, they will have all sorts of adventures. They will overcome and face hardships, laugh and cry, only to repeat it all over again! This is the era of pirates!” – Gol D. Roger

“People’s dreams never end! They’re passed on to others. Those who have the will to seek freedom, and the strength to follow their dreams… These are the ones who change the world.” – Gol D. Roger

“I don’t care if I die. For me, an ordinary guy with no interest in becoming a hero, bears no relation to a dream. But, for you, who is different from me, who yearns for the world, it is an emotion you should not lose.” – Gol D. Roger

“The courageous man in the world seeks not power but represents justice, and likewise innocent harmony pushes towards the ideal future.” – Gol D. Roger

“From the hands of tiny kings, from the chains of selfish gods, I shall carve out a new age and system!” – Gol D. Roger

“No one knew what kind of person I truly was. But I knew they wanted to see. Yet at the same time, I wanted to be free, to live outside of their expectations. So I donned a mask, hiding my true self beneath false bravado.” – Gol D. Roger

“I have no intention of bending my will. Everybody is responsible for their own actions. Even if we die, we won’t die unless we’ve said everything we wanted to say.” – Gol D. Roger

“Sailing the sea in search of freedom requires the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle. And the reward will be immeasurable when those who succeed discover the ultimate treasure.” – Gol D. Roger

“Inherited will, the determination to never give up, is what makes dreams come true.” – Gol D. Roger

“The strength to stand for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity, is the mark of a true pirate. It is an honor I bestow upon those who never waver in their pursuit of their dreams.” – Gol D. Roger

“The journey of a pirate is not only about finding treasure. It is about seeking freedom and pursuing one’s dreams.” – Gol D. Roger

“Never let doubt cloud your judgment. Believe in yourself and your dreams, and you will find the strength to overcome any challenge.” – Gol D. Roger KARMA QUOTES ENGLISH

“Don’t be afraid to dream big, for dreams have the power to shape the world and make the impossible possible.” – Gol D. Roger

“The greatest treasures in the world aren’t material possessions, but the experiences and bonds we create along our journey.” – Gol D. Roger

“The world is a vast ocean full of opportunities and dangers. Only those who have the will to sail fearlessly can truly explore its depths.” – Gol D. Roger

“Find your purpose in life and pursue it relentlessly. Only then will you find true fulfillment and happiness.” – Gol D. Roger

“Strength isn’t just about physical power. It’s about having the courage to face your fears and never giving up on your dreams.” – Gol D. Roger

“The true treasure of life lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself. Embrace the challenges and experiences, for they shape who you become.” – Gol D. Roger

“The world may be full of darkness and despair, but it is up to us to shine our light and bring hope to others.” – Gol D. Roger

“Adventure awaits those who are brave enough to set sail and explore the unknown. Don’t let fear hold you back from embracing the limitless possibilities of life.” – Gol D. Roger

“The paths we choose in life may not always be easy, but they are the ones that define who we are and shape our destiny.” – Gol D. Roger

“Do not underestimate the power of a dream. It has the ability to change not only your life, but also the lives of those around you.” – Gol D. Roger

“Don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. It is through these experiences that we learn, grow, and become stronger.” – Gol D. Roger

“Live your life with passion and purpose. Leave behind a legacy that inspires others to follow their dreams and never give up.” – Gol D. Roger