“I am mentally and emotionally exhausted from dealing with you.”

“I can’t continue to be patient when you constantly disregard my feelings.”

“I’m tired of being taken for granted by someone who claims to care.”

“You have absolutely no idea how draining it can be to be around you.”

“I’m done wasting energy on someone who doesn’t appreciate it.”

“I’ve reached my breaking point with your selfishness.”

“I’m so fed up with your constant lies and deceit.”

“I’ve had enough of being treated like an afterthought in your life.”

“Your arrogance and entitlement have worn me out.”

“I deserve better than the disrespect you continually dish out.”

“I’ve grown tired of your constant negativity and complaints.”

“I’m exhausted from trying to make you understand how you hurt me.”

“I can no longer tolerate your toxic behavior.” ANNIVERSARY QUOTES DAUGHTER AND SON IN LAW

“Enough is enough, I’m tired of your manipulative games.”

“I can’t handle your constant drama and need for attention.”

“I’m exhausted from trying to fix a relationship that you never put effort into.”

“I’m done being the only one who cares in this relationship.”

“You’ve pushed me to the brink of frustration and I can’t take it anymore.”

“I’m drained from constantly having to explain myself to you.”

“I no longer have the energy to tolerate your constant criticism.”

“I’ve had enough of your constant need for control.”

“Your lack of empathy and disregard for others has worn me down.”

“You’re like a broken record, and I’m tired of listening.”

“I’m tired of being disappointed by your broken promises.”