“Karma is a boomerang. What goes around, comes around.”

“Do good, and good will come to you. This is the law of karma.”

“Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve.”

“Release the karma and set yourself free.”

“Your actions will come back to you tenfold. Be mindful of your karma.”

“Karma is not about punishment; it’s about growth and learning.”

“In the end, karma will be the judge.”

“Trust in karma, it knows what it’s doing.”

“What you give, you receive. This is the power of karma.”

“Don’t worry about revenge, karma takes care of everything.”

“Plant good seeds, and karma will provide a bountiful harvest.”

“Karma is like a mirror, reflecting your past actions back at you.”

“Be the change you want to see. Karma will support you.”

“Karma always finds a way to balance the scales.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of your actions. Karma is always watching.”

“Your intentions shape your karma. Choose wisely.” QUOTES ABOUT MEMORY LOSS

“Karma is the dance of cause and effect. Every step has consequences.”

“Clear your karmic debts and live a life of true freedom.”

“Karma is the great equalizer. It doesn’t discriminate.”

“What you do now determines your future. Karma is your guide.”

“Karma teaches us that everything happens for a reason.”

“The energy you put out into the world creates your karmic path.”

“Karma is the language of the universe. Listen and learn.”

“Choosing kindness and compassion is the quickest way to positive karma.”

“Karma is not about judgment; it’s about growth and transformation.”

“Your actions today become your karma tomorrow.”

“Be mindful of every action, for karma never forgets.”

“Karma is the ultimate teacher. Learn its lessons and evolve.”

“Take responsibility for your actions, for they shape your karmic destiny.”

“Karma is the gentle reminder that we are all connected and responsible for each other.”