“Sometimes it’s better to have no friends than to have a crappy best friend.” – Unknown

“A true friend is far superior to a hundred fake friends.” – Unknown

“When your best friend turns out to be a crappy one, it’s time to find new people to surround yourself with.” – Unknown

“A crappy best friend is like a thorn in your side, always causing pain and discomfort.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t stab you in the back, they lift you up and support you.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have no friends than to have a crappy one who brings you down.” – Unknown

“A best friend should bring positivity and happiness into your life, not negativity and drama.” – Unknown

“You deserve a best friend who loves and respects you, not someone who treats you like garbage.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your time on a crappy best friend. Life is too short for toxic relationships.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with people who make you a better person, not ones who bring you down.” – Unknown

“Don’t let a crappy best friend define your self-worth. You are worth so much more than that.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go of a toxic friendship.” – Unknown

“There’s no point in clinging to a crappy best friend who doesn’t appreciate you.” – Unknown HOLDING HANDS ANNIVERSARY QUOTES

“Choose your friends wisely, as they can either lift you up or hold you back.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who is there for you through thick and thin, not just when it’s convenient for them.” – Unknown

“Cutting toxic people out of your life is essential for your mental and emotional well-being.” – Unknown

“You don’t need a crappy best friend who brings you down. Surround yourself with positive influences instead.” – Unknown

“A best friend should be your biggest supporter, not someone who constantly tears you down.” – Unknown

“Quality over quantity; it’s better to have a few genuine friends than a bunch of fake ones.” – Unknown

“You deserve friends who inspire and empower you, not ones who drain your energy.” – Unknown

“Don’t let a crappy best friend manipulate and control your happiness.” – Unknown

“Cut ties with anyone who brings you more pain than joy, even if they were once your best friend.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better person, not ones who bring out the worst in you.” – Unknown

“Choose friends who lift you up and make you a better version of yourself, not ones who hold you back.” – Unknown