“No matter how long it takes, the truth always has a way of revealing itself.”

“The truth may be hidden, but it can never be extinguished.”

“Lies may triumph for a while, but the truth will eventually prevail.”

“Time is the enemy of deception; it reveals the authentic truth.”

“The truth is like the sun; it illuminates even the darkest of secrets.”

“Only the truth has the power to set you free from the chains of lies.”

“In the end, the truth always pierces through the veil of deception.”

“The truth may be delayed, but it can never be denied.”

“Honesty may be delayed, but it is never defeated.”

“When falsehoods crumble, the foundation of truth emerges stronger than ever.”

“The truth is about endurance; it outlasts falsehoods and withstands the test of time.”

“The cloak of lies may shroud reality momentarily, but the truth will tear it apart eventually.”

“Time is the ally of the truth; it unravels the webs of deceit.” MOTHER AND DAUGHTER LOVE QUOTES IN URDU

“Even the most intricate lies leave traces that lead to the truth.”

“No matter how deep you bury the truth, it will always resurface.”

“Lies are temporary obstacles, while the truth is an eternal force.”

“Truth has a way of slipping through the cracks of deception.”

“The truth may endure insults, but it will never be silenced.”

“The truth may take its time, but it is a relentless pursuer.”

“Lies can only conceal the truth temporarily; they can never extinguish it.”

“The effect of a lie is fleeting, while the impact of the truth is everlasting.”

“No matter how well you disguise the truth, it has a way of revealing itself.”

“The truth may be suppressed, but it can never be truly silenced.”

“Lies may disguise reality, but the truth will always set it straight.”

“The truth may be delayed, but it can never be destroyed.”