“Sisters are like stars, you may not always see them, but you know they’re always there.”

“No distance can ever separate the love between sisters.”

“Sisters share an unbreakable bond, no matter the distance.”

“Even though we’re miles apart, our hearts are always connected as sisters.”

“The distance between us only makes our sisterhood stronger.”

“Sisters may be separated by miles, but their love knows no distance.”

“True sisterhood knows no borders, no matter the physical distance.”

“Sisters may be apart, but they’re never out of each other’s hearts.”

“Distance means so little when someone means so much, like my sister.”

“We might be separated by miles, but our sisterly love can bridge any distance.”

“No matter where we are in the world, our sisterhood remains unbroken.”

“Distance may separate us physically, but our sisterhood keeps us close.”

“Sisters are like magnets, no distance can ever keep them apart.” QUOTES GOD ABOUT LIFE

“The bond between sisters is not diminished by distance, but strengthened by it.”

“In the heart of a sister, there is no distance too great to overcome.”

“Time and distance can never sever the ties that bind us as sisters.”

“Sisters may be far apart geographically, but their love stands strong.”

“Distance may test our sisterhood, but it can never break it.”

“The best sisters are those who can still connect even with oceans between them.”

“Sisters may be separated by miles, but they’ll always find a way back to each other.”

“Distance only makes us cherish the moments we have together as sisters even more.”

“A sister is a forever friend, no matter the miles that separate us.”

“Sisters may be physically apart, but their souls are forever intertwined.”

“No matter the distance, my sister will always hold a special place in my heart.”

“Even if we’re oceans apart, I can always count on my sister to be there for me.”