“Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.” – Brooke Shields

“Smoking is like paying someone to slowly kill you. They’re called cigarette companies.” – Unknown

“Quitting smoking is easy, I’ve done it hundreds of times.” – Mark Twain

“I tried quitting smoking once, but the cigarette laughed so hard that I had to light it up.” – Anonymous

“Smoking is a great way to reduce your lifespan and increase your social security contributions.” – Unknown

“If smoking is so bad for you, then why does it cure smoked salmon?” – Unknown

“Smoking kills, but if you don’t smoke, you still die. So, why bother?” – Unknown

“Cigarettes are like squirrels. They’re perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.” – Unknown

“Smokers don’t grow old, they die young, and they make sure everyone around them dies of secondhand smoke.” – Unknown

“Smoking is the only time when you can’t multitask, you have to concentrate on not burning yourself.” – Unknown

“Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. It’s better to smoke alone.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT GIVING BIBLE

“Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it a thousand times before breakfast.” – Winston Churchill

“Smokers are just paying extra for their own cremation.” – Unknown

“Why quit smoking? It’s a great way to test your lung capacity and endurance as you try to run out of breath.” – Unknown

“Smoking: the only time ‘killing time’ also shortens your lifespan.” – Unknown

“I stopped smoking because I was tired of smoking alone. Everyone else had quit, so I had no one to smoke with.” – Unknown

“Smoking is like playing Russian roulette. The only difference is that instead of bullets, you have lung cancer.” – Unknown

“I only smoke when I’m on fire.” – Unknown

“Smoking doesn’t make you look cool. It makes you look like you’re desperately trying to fit into an advertisement from the ’50s.” – Unknown

“Smoking is a silent killer, but it’s also a great way to make your breath smell like an ashtray.” – Unknown