“Cocaine is God’s way of saying you’re making too much money.” – Robin Williams

“Cocaine is a way to make four hours seem like two minutes, and two minutes seem like four hours.” – Marcel Wanders

“Cocaine is a hell of a drug.” – Rick James

“Cocaine isn’t habit-forming. I should know—I’ve been using it for years.” – Tallulah Bankhead

“Cocaine is a waste of money, resources, and human potential.” – Jorge Rodriguez

“Cocaine: an expensive way to ruin your life.” – Anonymous

“Cocaine: the caviar of drugs, it looks luxurious but comes with a hefty price.” – Unknown

“Cocaine is a one-way ticket to the abyss of addiction.” – Mike Tyson

“Cocaine doesn’t make you charismatic, it makes you an idiot with a lot of energy.” – Paul Merton

“Cocaine may take you high, but it will eventually bring you low.” – Unknown

“Cocaine is just borrowing happiness from tomorrow, with enormous interest.” – Unknown

“Cocaine is a quick fix that leads to a slow breakdown.” – Russell Brand POSSESSIVENESS QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Cocaine is the devil’s dandruff.” – Jamie Oliver

“Cocaine is like a love affair. It may start as a bit of fun, but it can quickly consume your life.” – Tony Parsons

“Cocaine is a seductive dance with death.” – Jay McInerney

“Cocaine is a liar that whispers sweet promises and delivers bitter consequences.” – Unknown

“Cocaine is the highway to emptiness.” – Russell Brand

“Cocaine is a temporary escape from reality, followed by a lifetime of lingering consequences.” – Unknown

“Cocaine: a momentary thrill with a lifetime of regret.” – Unknown

“Cocaine is like a fire that gives warmth initially but ends up burning everything you hold dear.” – Unknown

“Cocaine is a dangerous mirage that leads you deeper into the desert of despair.” – Unknown

“Cocaine is a false friend that steals your soul while making you feel invincible.” – Unknown