“If you can stay friends with your ex, it means you either never loved them, or you still do.”

“Women complain about sex more than men, but we never go on strike.”

“If a man has a great woman behind him, it’s because he’s pushing her.”

“You know what’s funny? Relationships. They’re hilarious. They’re like, ‘Hey, let’s spend all our time together and then slowly start to hate each other.'”

“Men are only as loyal as their options.”

“If you want to know if your man is faithful, just look at his friends. If they’re all cheaters, chances are he is too.”

“Relationships are like a trip to the grocery store. You go in thinking you need everything, but by the end, you only leave with what you can handle.”

“When you first meet someone, you might be in love with their representative. It takes time to truly meet the real person behind the facade.”

“Marriage is a great institution for those who want to gain weight.”

“Men say they want an independent woman, but as soon as she starts making more money than him, suddenly she’s too independent.”

“Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.” BLACK MAN QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Instead of asking ‘Who are you with?’ in a relationship, we should start asking ‘Who are you without?'”

“The best way to avoid disappointment in a relationship is to have low expectations.”

“Marriage is like a spa. At first, it feels great, but then you realize it’s way too expensive and you start to question if it’s worth it.”

“There are only two mistakes you can make with love: marrying the wrong person or not divorcing the wrong person.”

“You know you’re in a good relationship if you can fart comfortably around each other.”

“The key to a successful relationship is a nice big TV. That way, you can enjoy your personal space without actually being alone.”

“Men pretend to be tough, but they’re really just one emotional conversation away from crying.”

“Women are like magazines; they give you options, but they also make you feel inadequate.”

“Relationships are all about compromise, like when I pretend to listen to my wife.”

“You know your relationship is in trouble when you’re arguing about who loves who more. If you both cared equally, there wouldn’t be an argument.”