“A simple ‘hello’ can be the start of a million things.” – Unknown

“Saying ‘hi’ doesn’t always mean you want something; sometimes, it’s just a way of saying ‘I remember you.'” – Unknown

“A warm ‘hi’ can break the ice and make someone’s day brighter.” – Unknown

“A simple ‘hello’ can instantly brighten someone’s day.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, all it takes is a ‘hi’ to create a lifelong friendship.” – Unknown

“The power of a ‘hello’ can bridge gaps and bring people closer together.” – Unknown

“We often underestimate the impact of a kind ‘hi’ and overlook the potential it holds.” – Unknown

“A genuine ‘hi’ is like a gentle breeze that refreshes the soul.” – Unknown

“A heartfelt ‘hi’ can convey sincerity and make a deep connection with someone.” – Unknown

“Don’t hesitate to say ‘hi,’ as the smallest gestures can create the biggest impact.” – Unknown

“Saying ‘hi’ is the first step towards building meaningful relationships.” – Unknown

“A sincere ‘hi’ can make a stranger feel seen, heard, and valued.” – Unknown

“The power of a simple ‘hi’ can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT FORGIVING OTHERS IN THE BIBLE

“The beauty of saying ‘hi’ is that it costs nothing but can mean everything to someone.” – Unknown

“A warm ‘hi’ can open doors to endless possibilities and opportunities.” – Unknown

“A friendly ‘hi’ can break down barriers and create a welcoming atmosphere.” – Unknown

“A ‘hi’ can be the beginning of a love story, a lifelong friendship, or a moment of connection.” – Unknown

“A genuine ‘hi’ can make someone feel acknowledged and appreciated.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, all it takes is a simple ‘hi’ to brighten someone’s day and change their perspective.” – Unknown

“Saying ‘hi’ is like sowing seeds of kindness that can blossom into beautiful relationships.” – Unknown

“A heartfelt ‘hi’ can transcend boundaries and make the world feel a little smaller.” – Unknown

“A friendly ‘hi’ can make a community feel closer and more connected.” – Unknown

“Words have power, and a kind ‘hi’ has the power to uplift, inspire, and bring joy.” – Unknown

“Don’t underestimate the significance of a simple ‘hi’; it can turn a stranger into a friend.” – Unknown