“Toxic relationships are a constant battle between love and pain, and pain should never be mistaken for love.”

“In an unhealthy relationship, you’re constantly walking on eggshells, afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.”

“Toxic relationships drain you of energy and leave you feeling emotionally exhausted.”

“A bad relationship can make you feel like you’re losing yourself, your confidence, and your self-worth.”

“In a toxic relationship, there is a complete disregard for each other’s boundaries and needs.”

“Unhealthy relationships thrive on manipulation, power struggles, and control.”

“Toxic relationships breed toxicity, and it’s important to break free from that cycle.”

“In a bad relationship, love is overshadowed by constant criticism, judgment, and negativity.”

“Leaving a toxic relationship is not a sign of weakness, but an act of self-love and self-preservation.”

“An unhealthy relationship can make you question your own sanity, leaving you feeling confused and lost.”

“Toxic relationships slowly poison your happiness, leaving you emotionally starved.” POSITIVE SELF LOVE RUMI QUOTES

“In a bad relationship, the trust erodes, and jealousy and suspicion take its place.”

“Unhealthy relationships thrive on a lack of communication, leading to unresolved issues and resentments.”

“Toxic relationships shatter your self-esteem and make you doubt your own worthiness of love.”

“In a bad relationship, compromises often turn into sacrifices, leaving one person feeling unfulfilled.”

“Toxic relationships are built on a foundation of toxicity, making it nearly impossible to have a healthy, loving connection.”

“In an unhealthy relationship, you’re constantly trying to please the other person at the expense of your own happiness.”

“Toxic relationships are like quicksand; the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.”

“In a bad relationship, the good times become scarce, and the bad times become the norm.”

“Leaving a toxic relationship is not giving up; it’s taking back your power and choosing self-respect over misery.”