“The worst feeling is not being lonely, but being forgotten by someone you could never forget.”

“It hurts the most when the person who made you feel special yesterday makes you feel unwanted today.”

“Sometimes the person you love the most is the one who hurts you the most.”

“When someone you love hurts you, the pain doesn’t fade easily. It lingers in your heart, reminding you of what you had and what you lost.”

“You never truly understand the depth of your love until it’s met with the pain of betrayal.”

“It’s difficult to trust someone again when they have already proved that they are capable of hurting you.”

“The pain of being hurt by someone you love is like a deep wound that only time can heal.”

“Loving someone means accepting the risk of getting hurt, but it doesn’t mean you have to tolerate being hurt repeatedly.”

“You can’t force someone to love you, but you also shouldn’t let them hurt you and expect you to stay.”

“When you love someone, their actions have the power to either build you up or tear you apart.”

“Being hurt by someone you love feels like a betrayal from within your own heart.” QUOTES ABOUT PLACES YOU MISS

“You deserve love that nurtures your soul, not love that constantly wounds it.”

“Sometimes it’s better to be alone than to be with someone who constantly hurts you.”

“You don’t always have to forgive someone who hurt you, especially if they continue to do so without remorse.”

“Loving someone doesn’t mean tolerating constant pain. Love should bring joy, not tears.”

“You can’t measure love by the number of times someone hurts you. Love should never equate to pain.”

“Don’t let the pain inflicted by someone you love define your worth. You deserve better.”

“True love doesn’t hurt intentionally. It lifts you up and supports you through life’s challenges.”

“Sometimes the hardest part of loving someone is realizing they don’t love you back the same way.”

“When someone you love hurts you, it’s a reminder that even the purest of hearts have the ability to cause immense pain.”