“Sleep is my drug, my bed is my dealer, and my alarm clock is the police.”

“I love sleep because it’s like a time machine to breakfast.”

“My bed is a magical place where problems magically disappear… until the next morning.”

“If there was an Olympics for sleeping, I would definitely win gold.”

“Sleep is the best meditation… or at least a good excuse to avoid reality for a while.”

“I wish sleep loved me as much as I love it.”

“My bed and I have a special relationship. We’re perfect together. But it’s complicated…”

“The best feeling in the world is when you finally crawl into bed after a long day and it’s the perfect temperature.”

“I have a black belt in napping.”

“Sleeping is my superpower. I can do it for hours without any special training.”

“I’m not addicted to sleep, I just can’t stand being awake.”

“I have so much to do tomorrow, I should probably go to bed… and ignore all of it.”

“Going to bed early: a thrilling adventure for adults.” TRUE COLOR QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS

“My bed and I have a complicated relationship. Some nights it’s a lifelong partner, others it’s a one-night stand.”

“My bed is a work of art. I spend countless hours perfecting the messy, yet cozy look.”

“Just once, I would like to wake up feeling like I’ve actually slept.”

“Sleeping is my hobby, but waking up is my nemesis.”

“They say sleep is the cousin of death, but I’m ready to have a family reunion.”

“Sleeping through the alarm clock is my way of telling it to shut up and leave me alone.”

“I enjoy long romantic walks… to the fridge during late-night snack break time.”

“If there was a diploma for sleeping, my wall would be covered in them.”

“Sleep is like a time machine to breakfast. Without it, mornings make no sense.”

“I don’t mean to brag, but I can nap for hours and wake up more tired than before.”

“Sleeping is my favorite hobby. It’s like winning the lottery, but instead of money, you wake up feeling refreshed.”

“The only thing I’m good at consistently is sleeping through my alarm.”