“Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs.” – Malcolm Forbes

“Diamonds are forever.” – Shirley Bassey

“A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” – Henry Kissinger

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” – Marilyn Monroe

“A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are simply carbon atoms arranged in a crystalline structure.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

“Diamonds are only chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs.” – Leonard Louis Levinson

“Diamonds are the hardest natural substance known to man.” – Unknown

“A diamond is a small piece of rock that makes everything else look small.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are the crowning glory of a well-designed jewelry piece.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are a symbol of love, strength, and commitment.” – Unknown LOSING A FRIENDSHIP QUOTES

“A diamond is a piece of nature forged by intense pressure and heat.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are like stars, shining brightly in the darkness.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are a luxury, but they also represent durability and timelessness.” – Unknown

“A diamond is a reminder that there is beauty even in the harshest surroundings.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are mesmerizing, captivating our attention like no other gemstone.” – Unknown

“A diamond is a treasure that lasts forever.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are a symbol of wealth and status.” – Unknown

“A diamond is a reflection of one’s strength and resilience.” – Unknown

“Diamonds are like dreams, precious and rare.” – Unknown