“I asked a spider, ‘Why do you spin webs?’ It replied, ‘No idea. It just seemed like a good idea at the time!'”

“I tried teaching my pet ant some tricks, but all it does is crawl around. I guess it’s just not a ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ kind of insect!”

“If insects had a talent show, I bet the firefly would be the brightest star!”

“I once saw a mosquito wearing a tuxedo. It said it was going to a ‘blood’ carpet event!”

“I tried having a conversation with a ladybug, but all it said was, ‘I find humans very ‘buzz’worthy!'”

“I asked an earwig if it was good at listening. It replied, ‘Sorry, can’t hear you, I don’t have ears!'”

“I challenged a cricket to a race, but it took a ‘hop’portunity and beat me in a ‘flash’!”

“Why did the ant go to school? To improve its ‘ant-tellectual’ skills!”

“I told a bee a joke, and it said it found it ‘un-bee-lievably funny’!”

“Why did the fly bring a hanky to the picnic? Because it always ‘bugs’ out when there’s food!”

“I asked a cockroach why it was crawling on the walls. It said, ‘I’m practicing my acroROACHtics!'”

“I told a grasshopper it needed a job. It replied, ‘I’m already ‘hopping’ around all day!'”

“I tried starting a conversation with a praying mantis, but it just kept saying, ‘amen’ in every sentence!”

“I saw a cricket playing the violin. It was a real ‘fiddle-bug’!”

“Why did the mosquito go on a diet? It said it needed to ‘shed’ some weight!” QUOTES ABOUT WORKING IN HEALTHCARE

“I asked a flea if it believed in love at first bite. It replied, ‘Flea-me not with such questions!'”

“Why did the firefly get a promotion? Because it ‘lit’ up the whole office!”

“I saw a beetle playing football. It was really good at ‘scoccer’!”

“Why did the bee get a ticket? It was caught ‘buzzing’ in a ‘no-pollen’ zone!”

“I asked a centipede how it manages to walk with so many legs. It replied, ‘One step at a time, of course!'”

“Why did the moth go to therapy? It had a ‘light bulb’ moment and realized it was always drawn to the wrong things!”

“I told a caterpillar it was time to ‘butterfly’ and transform. It replied, ‘I’m still figuring out my ‘caterpillars’!”

“I asked a spider if it ever feels lonely. It replied, ‘I have plenty of ‘web’site visitors to keep me company!'”

“Why did the bug throw a party? Because it wanted to ‘beetle’ all its friends in having a good time!”

“I asked a gnat why it never stays still. It replied, ‘Life’s too short to ‘tara-gnat’ around!'”

“Why was the butterfly always invited to parties? Because it was a real ‘social-butterfly’!”

“I told a tick it had a good sense of timing. It replied, ‘Tick-tock goes the clock!'”

“I asked a worm if it had a favorite dance move. It said, ‘The wiggle, of course!'”