“If a man expects a woman to be an angel in his life, he must first create heaven for her.” – Unknown

“Don’t belittle someone’s emotions just because they don’t align with yours.” – Unknown

“You don’t have to hold yourself to the same standards you hold others to. It’s called self-care, not selfishness.” – Unknown

“It’s not fair to expect someone to give you the respect you aren’t willing to give them.” – Unknown

“If your partner can’t handle your past, they don’t deserve a place in your future.” – Unknown

“Don’t expect loyalty from someone who can’t even give you honesty.” – Unknown

“It’s not about finding someone who never makes mistakes, it’s about finding someone who is willing to grow and learn from them.” – Unknown

“You can’t be someone’s anchor while they constantly try to drown you.” – Unknown

“Love should never feel like a punishment. If it does, it’s not love.” – Unknown

“If someone truly loves you, they will never make you feel like you have to compete for their attention.” – Unknown

“It’s not fair to make someone responsible for your happiness. It’s your job to find it within yourself.” – Unknown

“A person who truly loves you will never make you feel inferior or unworthy.” – Unknown

“Love doesn’t mean giving someone the power to control and manipulate you.” – Unknown BEST QUOTE ABOUT PEACE

“You can’t expect someone to treat you like a priority if you’re always an afterthought in their life.” – Unknown

“It’s not fair to expect someone to always forgive and forget, while you continue to repeat the same mistakes.” – Unknown

“In a healthy relationship, both partners should be able to express their emotions without fear of judgment or retaliation.” – Unknown

“Don’t judge someone based on their past if you’re not willing to be judged for yours.” – Unknown

“If someone demands your trust without earning it, it’s not trust, it’s control.” – Unknown

“Real love doesn’t require constant reassurance. It trusts and understands without question.” – Unknown

“You can’t expect your partner to be perfect, but you can expect them to be honest and transparent with you.” – Unknown

“Don’t expect someone to change just because you want them to. Love them as they are or let them go.” – Unknown

“You can’t expect someone to always see your worth if you don’t see it yourself.” – Unknown

“A healthy relationship consists of two individuals who support and uplift each other, rather than tear each other down.” – Unknown

“Mutual respect is the foundation of any successful relationship. Without it, everything else crumbles.” – Unknown