“Sleeping peacefully on the first night? Good luck with that!”

“First night together: the time when all your weird sleep habits make their debut.”

“Love is spending your first night together, trying not to snore or fart too loudly.”

“First night jitters? More like first night never-ending giggles.”

“Marriage is all fun and games until you have to share a bed.”

“Snuggling on the first night: the struggle is real.”

“Who needs sleep when you can spend the first night together reenacting the Lion King?”

“First night together: the perfect opportunity to see who is the blanket hog.”

“Sleeping with someone new is like playing a game of ‘find your comfortable position’.”

“The first night of marriage reminds you that alarm clocks are evil.”

“First night shenanigans: when farts and laughter become part of the soundtrack.” SHORT QUOTES FOR DAD WHO PASSED AWAY

“Waking up on the first morning together is either a romantic moment or a comedy sketch.”

“First night: when you discover the true meaning of ‘love is blind’ as you stumble over each other.”

“First night reality check: John Legend lied, all of him won’t fit perfectly in the bed.”

“First night sleeping together: the initiation into the weird world of couple sleep.”

“A marriage begins with the first night: the night you realize your partner’s secret talent for stealing the covers.”

“First night priorities: finding the perfect spooning position and praying your partner doesn’t snore.”

“Sleeping soundly on the first night is like finding a mythical creature: it only happens in fairy tales.”

“First night blues: discovering your partner’s unique set of sleep talk and sleepwalk skills.”

“Marriage begins with the first night, when you realize that blanket negotiation is a crucial part of any relationship.”

“First night: the night you discover that cuddling can simultaneously be the best and worst thing ever.”