“A true friend is someone who is always there for you, even when they are no longer by your side.” – Unknown

“Losing a best friend is like losing a piece of yourself that can never be replaced.” – Unknown

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“The worst part about losing a best friend is not having that person to share your successes and failures with.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the people who have been with us through our toughest times are the ones who leave us when we need them the most.” – Unknown

“Lost, but never forgotten – in the hearts of those who truly loved you.” – Unknown

“Losing your best friend is like losing the puzzle piece that completes you.” – Unknown

“When you lose a best friend, you lose a part of yourself that can never be replaced.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, losing a best friend is the hardest goodbye you’ll ever have to say.” – Unknown

“Losing a best friend is like losing your compass in life.” – Unknown

“A best friend is someone who knows all your secrets but loves you anyway. Losing them is losing a part of yourself.” – Unknown

“Losing a best friend feels like losing the one person who truly understood you.” – Unknown

“Even though you’re gone, your impact on my life will forever remain.” – Unknown DIVERGENT BOOK QUOTES WITH PAGE NUMBERS

“Losing a best friend can be more painful than losing a romantic partner because they were the ones who truly knew you.” – Unknown

“Saying goodbye to a best friend feels like losing a piece of your soul that can never be replaced.” – Unknown

“They may be gone, but the memories we created together will last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“Losing a best friend is like losing a part of your identity.” – Unknown

“The hardest part about losing a best friend is realizing you can no longer share your dreams and goals with them.” – Unknown

“Losing a best friend can leave a void in your life that can never truly be filled.” – Unknown

“They may be gone, but the impact they had on our lives will forever remain.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, losing a best friend is the wake-up call we need to appreciate the true friends who are still by our side.” – Unknown

“The pain of losing a best friend is a constant reminder of how precious and fragile friendships can be.” – Unknown

“Losing a best friend is like losing a part of your heart that you can never get back.” – Unknown

“No distance or time can erase the memories and love we shared with our best friend.” – Unknown

“Even though you’re no longer by my side, I will cherish the friendship we had forever.” – Unknown