“Marriage is just a fancy word for adopting an overgrown man-child who can’t take care of himself.”

“Happy anniversary to the person who still continues to amaze me with their ability to annoy and irritate me every day.”

“Marriage is like a walk in the park, except the park is on fire and everything is on fire because you never listen to me.”

“Congratulations on tolerating me for another year. You deserve a medal!”

“Marriage is all about compromise. Like when you want to watch a romantic comedy and I want to watch an action-packed thriller. So we end up watching a romantic action-packed thriller.”

“Happy anniversary to the most amazing person who still hasn’t figured out how to properly load the dishwasher.”

“Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other person is the husband.”

“I fall in love with you all over again every time you do something stupid.”

“Happy anniversary to my partner in crime and the one responsible for most of our crimes!”

“Love is spending every waking moment together and still wanting to smother each other with a pillow.”

“Marriage is all about finding that one special person you can annoy for the rest of your life.”

“Happy anniversary to the one who never fails to make me laugh, even when they forget how to do simple tasks.”

“Love is being weird together, like when we argue about which side of the bed is the ‘right’ side.”

“Marriage: where having the remote is the ultimate power struggle.”

“Happy anniversary to the person who completes my sentences but can never find their own car keys.” GODFATHER QUOTES FAMILY REAL MAN

“Love is agreeing to disagree, because let’s face it, we’re never going to agree on everything.”

“Marriage is a journey filled with love, laughter, and selective hearing.”

“Happy anniversary to the person who still can’t remember to put the toilet seat down after all these years.”

“Love is knowing each other’s deep, dark secrets and using them as ammunition during arguments.”

“Marriage is a roller coaster ride, and sometimes you just want to throw up and get off.”

“Happy anniversary to the one who knows how to push all my buttons and then laugh about it.”

“Love is sharing a bed and blankets with someone who insists on stealing all the covers every night.”

“Marriage is like a game of chess, except the board is inside an erupting volcano.”

“Happy anniversary to the person who still thinks their childhood dreams of becoming a secret agent are valid.”

“Love is being able to have a conversation without saying a single word.”

“Marriage is all about compromise, like when you choose the restaurant for dinner and I choose the movie for the night.”

“Happy anniversary to the person who never fails to embarrass me in public, but I still love them anyway.”

“Love is putting up with each other’s quirks and still managing to find them endearing… most of the time.”