“In this modern world, relationships are either made or broken through technology.”

“True love is still out there, but it seems harder to find in today’s fast-paced society.”

“Trust is becoming a rare commodity in relationships these days.”

“Social media has created a whole new level of jealousy and insecurity in relationships.”

“Communication has never been easier, but it’s also become more superficial in modern relationships.”

“Commitment is becoming a lost art in today’s hookup culture.”

“Nowadays, it’s hard to find someone who is willing to work through problems rather than giving up.”

“Modern relationships often lack depth and emotional connection.”

“Dating apps have turned love into a game of swipes and instant gratification.”

“Relationships are now measured by likes and follows, rather than true compatibility.”

“In the digital age, constant availability has become a requirement in relationships.”

“Modern love is fleeting, with partners easily discarding each other for the next best thing.”

“Nowadays, relationships are more about convenience than genuine love and commitment.” ENGLISH LITERATURE MACBETH QUOTES

“The fear of commitment is more prevalent than ever in today’s society.”

“Technology has created a sense of distance and disconnectedness in modern relationships.”

“Today’s relationships are plagued by a lack of trust due to the ease of cheating through social media.”

“Infidelity is increasingly common in modern relationships, with temptations at every click.”

“Modern relationships often lack the patience and effort required for long-term happiness.”

“We live in a world where people are more focused on finding the perfect Instagram picture than building a strong relationship.”

“Today’s relationships are often based on appearances rather than genuine connection.”

“In the age of ghosting, it’s rare to find someone who is willing to have an open and honest conversation about their feelings.”

“Nowadays, love seems to be more about finding someone who fits into your lifestyle rather than building a life together.”

“Modern relationships are filled with unrealistic expectations and constant comparison to others.”

“In this fast-paced world, relationships often get put on the backburner and neglected.”

“It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find someone who values commitment and loyalty in modern relationships.”