“A salad is not a meal. It’s a punishment.” – Anonymous

“I only eat salad on days that end in ‘Y’” – Anonymous

“I didn’t want a salad, but the person ahead of me in the drive-thru took the last six Big Macs.” – Anonymous

“Eating a salad is like eating bunny food, minus the bunnies.” – Anonymous

“Why can’t a salad just be an avocado surrounded by bacon?” – Anonymous

“I tried to eat a healthy salad, but the lettuce rose up and attacked me.” – Anonymous

“Salads: the food that my food eats.” – Anonymous

“My worst nightmare is accidentally picking up a salad fork when I’m with a steak.” – Anonymous

“I like my salads like I like my relationships – with a lot of dressing.” – Anonymous

“Salads remind me why I’m not a rabbit.” – Anonymous

“Salad on a plate screams, ‘I’m not even trying to enjoy my life!'” – Anonymous

“A salad a day keeps anyone away – if you throw it hard enough.” – Anonymous

“The only thing a salad makes me lose is my appetite.” – Anonymous

“Salad just leaves me unfulfilled, both physically and emotionally.” – Anonymous

“If salad were a person, it would wear Crocs.” – Anonymous BACON TASTES GOOD PULP FICTION QUOTE

“I’m only eating this salad because I need something to hold my dressing.” – Anonymous

“I’m not saying I hate all salads, but I wouldn’t trust a salad if it had a heartbeat.” – Anonymous

“Salad is just a sad attempt to make vegetables interesting.” – Anonymous

“Salad: the proof that even with dressing, vegetables can still be boring.” – Anonymous

“I don’t trust salad; there’s something sketchy about being the side dish to everything.” – Anonymous

“A salad is the epitome of deception – it looks good but doesn’t deliver.” – Anonymous

“If a salad had a theme song, it would be ‘All By Myself.'” – Anonymous

“Whoever decided to call it ‘salad’ clearly hasn’t had a proper meal.” – Anonymous

“Salad makes me want to throw a party for all the other food I’m missing out on.” – Anonymous

“I always feel like a rabbit who’s been fooled into eating a salad.” – Anonymous

“I’m not interested in dieting; I’d rather have dessert than a salad any day.” – Anonymous

“Salads are overrated. I’ve never seen a hamburger craving a salad, but I’ve seen plenty of salads craving a burger.” – Anonymous

“You’ll never catch me ordering a salad, unless it comes with a side of pizza.” – Anonymous