“The truth will always prevail, no matter how hard people try to hide or distort it.”

“Truth has a way of coming out, even in the face of lies and deceit.”

“The truth may be hidden for a while, but it will eventually find its way to the surface.”

“In the end, the truth is the strongest currency.”

“Truth is like a flame, it cannot be extinguished.”

“The truth may be slow, but it’s always steady.”

“Truth shines brightest in the darkest hour.”

“Truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, and it will defend itself.”

“Lies may deceive temporarily, but truth endures forever.”

“No matter how long it takes, the truth will always be revealed.”

“Truth stands tall amidst a sea of deception.”

“The truth cuts through the noise and chaos, prevailing over all else.”

“Truth is the ultimate victor against falsehoods.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT ASSOCIATIONS

“Truth is a mountain that can’t be shaken by the winds of falsehood.”

“The truth may be painful, but lies are even more damaging.”

“In the search for truth, lies lose their power.”

“The truth doesn’t need validation; it stands on its own.”

“Truth is the weapon that defeats all manipulation.”

“In the pursuit of justice, only the truth can prevail.”

“No matter how well-crafted a lie is, it will crumble in the face of truth.”

“Truth is the key that unlocks the door to real understanding.”

“The truth never requires a defense; it speaks for itself.”

“Truth is like a foundation; it holds everything together.”

“The truth has no fear; it can face any challenge.”

“When truth prevails, it inspires others to live their own truth.”