“When you don’t feel loved anymore, it’s time to love yourself a little harder.”

“Don’t settle for anyone who makes you feel unloved. You deserve someone who cherishes every moment with you.”

“Sometimes, you have to let go of the love you thought you had to make room for the love you truly deserve.”

“Remember that you are worthy of love, even when you don’t feel loved anymore.”

“Love yourself enough to walk away from anyone who no longer values you.”

“The absence of love in someone else’s eyes does not diminish your worth. You are still deserving of love and happiness.”

“Don’t give up on love just because one person didn’t love you the way you needed them to. The right kind of love is out there waiting for you.”

“Your worth does not depend on someone else’s ability to love you. You are enough, just as you are.”

“You may not feel loved right now, but that doesn’t mean you are unlovable. You are deserving of love and affection.”

“Sometimes, the person who doesn’t make you feel loved anymore is yourself. Start by loving yourself and everything else will fall into place.”

“True love doesn’t fade away, it grows stronger with time. If someone’s love for you diminishes, it was never real to begin with.”

“It’s okay to feel unloved sometimes, but it’s important to remember that it’s only temporary. Love will find you again.”

“Don’t let the absence of love make you bitter. Use it as a lesson to recognize your own worth and choose love that uplifts you.” MARGARET ATWOOD QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“When you stop seeking validation from others, you can truly start to love yourself and attract the kind of love that you deserve.”

“Your love for yourself should never be dependent on someone else’s love for you. You are strong and capable of creating your own happiness.”

“Know that you are never alone in feeling unloved. There are others out there who understand your pain and can offer support.”

“Choose to surround yourself with people who celebrate and cherish you. Life is too short to settle for anything less than love that lifts you up.”

“Just because someone doesn’t love you anymore, it doesn’t mean you are unlovable. It means they weren’t capable of appreciating the beautiful soul that you are.”

“You are not defined by the love you receive, but by the love you give. Keep spreading kindness and love, and it will come back to you.”

“Sometimes, the biggest act of self-love is walking away from someone who no longer makes you feel loved.”

“Love is not a one-time gift, but a continuous commitment. When someone stops loving you, it’s a sign that they’re not willing to put in the effort to make it last.”

“You deserve a love that makes you feel alive, not one that makes you feel empty and unloved.”

“Remember that love starts from within. When you love yourself deeply, you attract the love you deserve into your life.”

“Don’t let the pain of feeling unloved consume you. Use it as motivation to find love that is genuine and fulfilling.”

“Believe in the power of love, even when you don’t feel loved. Love has a way of finding us when we least expect it.”