“Everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone or love someone, if even a single person remembers you, then maybe you never really die at all.” – Harold Finch

“The only way to survive a war is to truly love your enemies.” – Root

“Most people walk through life in a walking daze, we’re way past that” – John Reese

“Everyone is relevant to somebody.” – Harold Finch

“The things that make me human are the things that give me strength.” – Sameen Shaw

“We live in a world with monsters. We must become monsters in order to defeat them.” – Harold Finch

“You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.” – Harold Finch

“The only thing that’s necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Harold Finch

“The machine is everywhere. Watching us, with every breath we take… until it’s over.” – Sameen Shaw

“Sometimes the best way to protect someone is to let them go.” – Sameen Shaw

“The truth is relative. It depends on the lens through which you view it.” – Harold Finch FAMOUS DISNEY QUOTES ABOUT FAMILY

“Faith and reason are the shoes on your feet. You can travel further with both.” – Harold Finch

“The darkness calls to us all. Some are weak enough to answer.” – John Reese

“In chess, the pawns go first.” – Root

“The world is just us, our bodies, our cells, interacting with each other. And if you try to harm one of us, you’ll have to deal with all of us.” – Sameen Shaw

“There is no door when one of us is cornered. We do what we must to survive.” – Sameen Shaw

“Everyone’s a hero until they have to stand up and do something.” – Harold Finch

“There are no heroes in this world, only survivors.” – Root

“The problem with the world is that it’s full of unanswered questions.” – John Reese

“You can’t save everyone.” – Sameen Shaw

“Fear of death is irrational. Better to be afraid of not really living.” – Harold Finch