“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox

“The most important thing in the world is family and love.” – John Wooden

“You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your priorities.” – Unknown

“Family is the anchor that holds us through life’s storms.” – Unknown

“Work hard, but make sure to prioritize your family above all.” – Unknown

“Nobody on their deathbed wishes they had spent more time at work.” – Unknown

“Your family should always come before your career.” – Unknown

“Work is important, but never sacrifice the bond with your family.” – Unknown

“The best legacy you can leave behind is a close-knit family.” – Unknown

“Your family is the motivation behind your work, not the other way around.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your ambition overshadow the importance of spending time with your family.” – Unknown

“The real measure of success is how much quality time you spend with your family.” – Unknown

“A rich career means nothing if you neglect your family.” – Unknown

“Success at work means nothing if you don’t have a happy family waiting for you at home.” – Unknown

“Your family is your greatest support system; never forget that.” – Unknown WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

“Work can wait, but your family won’t always be there.” – Unknown

“Putting work before family may bring temporary success, but it will cost you in the long run.” – Unknown

“Life is about finding the right balance between work and family.” – Unknown

“Work can give you material success, but only family can give you true fulfillment.” – Unknown

“Don’t let work consume you; remember to make time for your family.” – Unknown

“Don’t miss the important moments in your family’s lives because of work.” – Unknown

“Your work will always be there, but your family won’t always be as young and eager to spend time with you.” – Unknown

“Family should be your top priority, everything else is just a footnote.” – Unknown

“Work is what you do, but family is who you are.” – Unknown

“Family should be your sanctuary from the stresses of work.” – Unknown

“Your family is your ultimate purpose; don’t let work overshadow it.” – Unknown

“Balance is the key to a happy and fulfilling life – make time for both work and family.” – Unknown

“Remember that success at work is meaningless if you fail at being a good spouse, parent, or child.” – Unknown