“Remembering Him in meditation, all afflictions are erased.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The Lord Himself is the most wonderful. The Foolish self-willed manmukhs waste away their lives in vain.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“By Guru’s grace, the lamp of divine knowledge is lit within; through the Word of the True Guru’s Bani, we find the Lord.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“The Guru’s word is the embodiment of ultimate truth, the primal truth, the creative energy of the Lord.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“In the Court of the Lord, this body shall be judged. Let yourself be absorbed in the Shabad, the Word of God.” – Guru Angad Dev Ji

“By Guru’s grace, dwelling upon God’s name is obtained, and the destiny inscribed upon one’s forehead is erased.” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“The Guru’s word liberates the mind; it illuminates the darkness.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“O mind, meditate on the Lord, and receive His pure blessings; the True Guru shall teach you the perfect way of life.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“Meditate in remembrance of God, and become radiant and pure. The Guru shall preserve your honor.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The True Guru is the boat, the very boat to carry me across; meditating on Him, even low-lifes are saved.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“By Guru’s grace, the Divine essence is revealed, and true spiritual wisdom is obtained.” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“Through the Guru’s word, we realize the Divine Light within, and our spiritual journey begins.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“Within this body is the golden temple where God resides. Seek the Guru’s guidance to find it.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“In the Guru’s sanctuary, all darkness is dispelled, and the devotees merge in celestial bliss.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“The Guru’s Bani is like a priceless jewel, it leads us to liberation and ultimate truth.” – Guru Angad Dev Ji

“Focus your mind on the Guru’s teachings, and live in accordance with the Divine command.” – Guru Amar Das Ji STEP DAD THANK YOU QUOTES

“O mind, chant God’s name in the company of the holy; the True Guru shall purify you.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“The Guru’s word is the essence of love, it awakens us to the Supreme Truth.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“By Guru’s grace, peace is found within, and divine wisdom guides every step.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“Meditate on the Naam, the divine name, and the Guru shall lead you to eternal bliss.” – Guru Angad Dev Ji

“The Guru’s word is like a healing medicine, it cures the ailments of the mind and heart.” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“The Guru’s Bani is the divine melody, it resonates within, transforming our being.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“Within your own home, seek the Guru’s sanctuary; it is the abode of purity and peace.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The Guru’s word is a treasure of virtues, it radiates wisdom and dispels ignorance.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“With the Guru’s grace, all suffering vanishes, and the supreme bliss of divine union is attained.” – Guru Angad Dev Ji

“Meditate on the Lord’s name, and the Guru shall lead you to eternal liberation.” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“The Guru’s teachings are like nectar, they nourish the soul and bestow spiritual power.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“Seek refuge in the Guru’s teachings, and swim across the ocean of existence.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The Guru’s word is a treasure trove of wisdom, it washes away all impurities.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“By Guru’s grace, the divine essence is realized, and the soul merges in perfect union with God.” – Guru Angad Dev Ji