“Timing is everything. It’s the difference between crossing a road safely and getting hit by a car.” – Unknown

“The greatest thing about timing is that it’s never too late to start, but it can be too early to give up.” – John C. Maxwell

“Timing is the key to success; patience and perseverance are the path to achieve it.” – Unknown

“In life, timing is everything; the wrong time can ruin the best moment.” – Unknown

“Timing is the essential ingredient in accomplishing great things.” – Donald Trump

“Timing is the master key that unlocks the doors of success.” – Zig Ziglar

“Life is a dance, and timing is everything. If we miss a step, we stumble, but if we move in sync, we create something beautiful.” – Unknown

“The secret to success is knowing when to seize the opportunity, for timing is everything.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, all it takes is perfect timing to turn an ordinary moment into an extraordinary one.” – Unknown

“Timing is like a dance partner; if you don’t move in sync, the rhythm of life may be lost.” – Unknown

“The right time is just as important as the right action; both are necessary for success.” – Unknown

“Timing is God’s way of reminding us that every moment is precious.” – Unknown

“In the game of life, timing is everything. A moment of hesitation can cost you the victory you deserve.” – Unknown SAD LOVE QUOTES FOR HER

“Life is about waiting for the right moment, and then acting upon it with all your heart.” – Unknown

“Timing is not just about luck, but about recognizing the opportunities that present themselves and making the most of them.” – Unknown

“Timing is the secret ingredient that can transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary one.” – Unknown

“Success is a combination of preparation and timing. You need to be ready when the opportunity arises.” – Unknown

“Timing is the bridge between dreams and reality.” – Unknown

“Patience is the key to perfect timing; rushing into things can lead to failure.” – Unknown

“Timing is a funny thing; it can bring people together or tear them apart.” – Unknown

“Timing is the difference between being a hero or a failure.” – Unknown

“Life is all about being in the right place at the right time, for timing is everything.” – Unknown

“It’s not always about how hard you work, but about when you work. Timing is the secret to success.” – Unknown

“Timing is the conductor of life’s orchestra; it sets the pace and decides the outcome.” – Unknown