“May Allah bless my mother with good health, happiness, and a long life. Ameen.”

“O Allah, grant my mother the highest place in Jannah for all her sacrifices and love. Ameen.”

“May Allah illuminate my mother’s heart with faith and shower her with His blessings. Ameen.”

“O Allah, forgive my mother for any mistakes she has made and grant her peace in this life and the hereafter. Ameen.”

“Allahumma salli ala ummi, wa arhamha, wa ‘afihaha wa ‘fu’anha, wa a’fi ‘anha.”

“Dear Allah, protect my mother from every harm and grant her strength in times of difficulty. Ameen.”

“O Allah, shower my mother with your mercy and fill her life with joy and prosperity. Ameen.”

“Allahumma barik li fi ummi, wa fil ummahati jamee’an.”

“May Allah bless my mother with countless blessings and rewards for her unconditional love. Ameen.”

“Dear Allah, grant my mother peace and contentment in her heart and blessings in her life. Ameen.”

“O Allah, make my mother among the righteous and grant her success in this life and the hereafter. Ameen.”

“Allahumma ‘izzati ummi min kulli adha.”

“May Allah grant my mother happiness and fulfillment in all aspects of her life. Ameen.”

“O Allah, grant my mother patience and strength to face any challenges that come her way. Ameen.” PLEASE GOD NOT MAN QUOTES

“Allahumma aftah li abwaba rahmatik ‘ala ummi.”

“Dear Allah, shower my mother with your blessings and protect her from any harm. Ameen.”

“O Allah, bless my mother with peace of mind and tranquility in her heart. Ameen.”

“Allahumma rham ummi kama rabbayani sagheera.”

“May Allah grant my mother Jannah and reunite us in the eternal paradise. Ameen.”

“O Allah, forgive my mother’s sins and grant her the highest level of Paradise. Ameen.”

“Allahumma ahsin ‘ilayha jazaa’ ummi fi dunya wal akhirah.”

“Dear Allah, bless my mother with happiness, good health, and prosperity. Ameen.”

“O Allah, grant my mother love, respect, and honor in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.”

“Allahumma ighfir li ummi wa li jiamee’a al-muslimin wal-muslimat.”

“May Allah bless my mother with a long, fulfilling life and grant her all her righteous desires. Ameen.”

“O Allah, shower my mother with Your mercy and fill her life with love and happiness. Ameen.”