“Perfection is a myth, just like a unicorn eating pizza.”

“Striving for perfection is like trying to teach a squirrel how to do algebra.”

“I’m not a perfectionist, I’m an optimist who believes imperfection is the key to comedic gold.”

“Perfection is overrated. Embrace your quirks and make them your superpowers.”

“Who needs perfection when you can have tacos?”

“Perfection is the ultimate goal, said no one who enjoys pizza.”

“I’m not perfect, but my sense of humor is flawlessly hilarious.”

“Perfection is an illusion created by Photoshop and unicorns on Instagram.”

“The funny thing about perfection is that it’s perfectly boring.”

“I may not be perfect, but at least I’m hilarious.”

“Perfectionism is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube underwater – it’s just not meant to happen.”

“Perfection is like a unicorn – you can chase it all you want, but it’s not going to magically appear.”

“Perfection is like trying to find the perfect slice of pizza – it’s better to just enjoy the whole damn pie.” QUOTE ABOUT GANGS

“Perfection is like trying to fold a fitted sheet – it’s a never-ending battle that no one ever wins.”

“I’m not perfect, but my ability to make people laugh is pretty close.”

“Perfection is like trying to sneeze with your eyes open – it’s just not physically possible.”

“Who needs perfection when you can have chocolate?”

“Perfection is like trying to win an argument with a toddler – it’s futile and only leads to frustration.”

“I may not be perfect, but I’m perfectly funny.”

“Perfection is like trying to find a parking spot on Black Friday – it’s just not worth the effort.”

“Who needs perfection when you can have pajamas all day?”

“Perfection is like trying to find a needle in a haystack – it’s a lot of work for something so small and insignificant.”

“I’m not perfect, but my ability to find the humor in any situation is pretty darn close.”

“Perfection is like trying to keep the fridge organized – it’s a constant battle against entropy and leftovers.”