“Tax avoidance is legal, tax evasion is illegal; I choose to avoid taxes as much as possible.” – Anonymous

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” – Albert Einstein

“The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least possible amount of hissing.” – Jean-Baptiste Colbert

“It’s our duty to pay taxes, but it’s also our right to minimize them through legal means.” – Anonymous

“Tax avoidance isn’t just for the rich; anyone with a strategy can benefit from it.” – Mark Cuban

“The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.” – Denis Healey

“Paying taxes is voluntary, as long as you are willing to face the consequences of tax evasion.” – Anonymous

“The best way to legally pay fewer taxes is to earn less money. The goal should always be to keep as much money as possible for yourself.” – Anonymous

“The power to tax is the power to destroy.” – John Marshall

“Anyone may so arrange their affairs that their taxes shall be as low as possible; they are not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes.” – Learned Hand

“Taxes, after all, are dues we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The art of taxation consists in plucking the goose to obtain the largest amount of feathers, with the least amount of hissing.” – Nicolas Chamfort

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” – Barry Goldwater

“Tax avoidance is not a criminal offense; it simply means seeking legal ways to minimize tax liabilities.” – Anonymous

“I object to doing anyone’s work for them, especially the government’s.” – Thomas A. Edison MAKING UP LIES QUOTES

“The tax code is so complex and confusing that even I can’t understand it.” – Charles Rangel

“The only thing that hurts more than paying an income tax is not having to pay an income tax.” – Thomas Dewar

“Be thankful if your tax bill is high; it means that you’re making a lot of money.” – Anonymous

“The rich stay rich by avoiding taxes, while the poor stay poor by paying them.” – Anonymous

“A tax loophole is something that benefits the other guy; if it benefits you, it is a tax reform.” – Russell B. Long

“The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward.” – John Maynard Keynes

“Every man is entitled to order his affairs so as that the tax attaching under the appropriate Acts is less than it otherwise would be.” – Lord Tomlin

“Savvy taxpayers use legal tax avoidance strategies to keep more of their hard-earned money.” – Anonymous

“Our tax system is set up to reward entrepreneurs who take risks and create jobs for others.” – Mitt Romney

“There is no such thing as a fair tax; the only fair tax is the one that you don’t have to pay.” – Anonymous

“If you don’t have a tax strategy, then you’re just paying whatever the government wants you to pay.” – Anonymous

“Tax avoidance is a perfectly natural instinct; nobody wants to hand over their hard-earned money unnecessarily.” – Anonymous

“The only people who object to taxpayers’ using tax havens to legally reduce their tax bills are those who pay more taxes than they have to.” – Anonymous