“Exercise is a fantastic way to relieve stress, just like punching your boss in the face.” – Anonymous

“I don’t have a personal trainer because I don’t want anyone to see how little effort I actually put into exercise.” – Anonymous

“I tried exercise but found I wasn’t flexible enough to dodge eating tacos.” – Anonymous

“I exercise because it’s way cheaper than therapy… and the running shoes are cuter than a therapist’s couch.” – Anonymous

“I tried yoga once, but I realized I can’t bend that way unless there’s pizza on the floor.” – Anonymous

“Exercise is like a punishment you give yourself for not exercising enough.” – Anonymous

“Some days I work out like a beast, while other days I snuggle on the couch like a sloth. Balance, right?” – Anonymous

“I don’t exercise because it make me feel good. I do it because I like to eat cake… a lot of cake.” – Anonymous

“Exercise: the only activity that makes you feel like you’re dying and still alive at the same time.” – Anonymous

“I don’t always exercise, but when I do, I make sure everyone on Instagram knows about it.” – Anonymous

“The only six-pack I have is the one in my fridge, and I’m okay with that.” – Anonymous

“I exercise so I can look good in workout clothes and eat pizza simultaneously.” – Anonymous

“I don’t exercise to add years to my life, I exercise to add life to my years… and to avoid stairs whenever possible.” – Anonymous

“They say exercise is addictive. I’m still waiting for that addiction to kick in.” – Anonymous

“I told my doctor I get enough exercise pushing my luck.” – Anonymous QUOTES ABOUT BLONDE AND BRUNETTE BEST FRIENDS

“My summer body is just my regular body covered in sweat and sunscreen.” – Anonymous

“Exercise? More like extra fries!” – Anonymous

“I don’t hate exercise. I’m just allergic to sweating and my heart pumping.” – Anonymous

“I workout because I like to eat dessert and have someone to blame it on.” – Anonymous

“Exercise is great, but have you ever tried Netflix and chill with a pint of ice cream?” – Anonymous

“I don’t exercise because I hate my body. I exercise because I love tacos.” – Anonymous

“If you think exercise is fun, you’re doing it wrong.” – Anonymous

“I don’t do cardio. I chase my dreams instead.” – Anonymous

“Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.” – Anonymous

“I love the feeling of sore muscles, it reminds me that I overcame my laziness… for once.” – Anonymous

“I don’t exercise to live longer. I exercise to be able to eat bacon without guilt.” – Anonymous

“If exercising made you skinny, don’t you think the gym would be crowded with unicorns?” – Anonymous

“They say summer bodies are made in the winter, but mine seems to be more of an all-seasons body.” – Anonymous

“Exercise? I thought you said extra fries!” – Anonymous