“I am the creator of all things, the one who made you in my image.” – God

“You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” – God

“I have formed you, and I know every detail of your being.” – God

“You are not a mistake; I have a purpose for your life.” – God

“I have equipped you with unique talents and abilities.” – God

“I am the potter, and you are the clay; I have molded you with love.” – God

“You are my beloved child, and I delight in you.” – God

“I have chosen you to be a light in the world.” – God

“Your value is not defined by the opinions of others; I have made you precious.” – God

“I have given you a divine purpose and a destiny to fulfill.” – God

“You were made with a specific plan in mind; I know the path I have set for you.” – God

“You are strong and capable because I have made you so.” – God

“I have instilled in you the power to overcome any obstacle.” – God I WILL HONOUR CHRISTMAS IN MY HEART QUOTE

“I have planted dreams and passions within you; pursue them boldly.” – God

“You are never alone; I am with you always.” – God

“I have woven compassion and kindness into your heart.” – God

“You have the power to change the world; let my love flow through you.” – God

“I have given you the ability to love unconditionally.” – God

“You are precious in my sight; I have paid the highest price for you.” – God

“You are never too broken for me to mend; I will restore and redeem you.” – God

“I have filled you with joy and peace that surpasses understanding.” – God

“I have gifted you with a spirit of wisdom and discernment.” – God

“I have given you the courage to face adversity and the strength to persevere.” – God

“You are my masterpiece, crafted with love and purpose.” – God

“I have called you by name; you belong to me.” – God