Sure, here are some quotes about self-respect for women:

“A woman is never stronger than when she arms herself with her own stubbornness and self-respect.” – Madame Marie du Deffand

“Self-respect is everything. Never let anyone treat you like an option when you deserve to be the priority.” – Unknown

“A strong woman knows she can break free from the past and create her own future, with self-respect and determination.” – Unknown

“A woman should be like a single flower, not a whole bouquet. She should embrace her uniqueness with self-respect.” – Ranjeet Singh

“A woman who respects herself and commands respect from others is unstoppable.” – Unknown

“A strong woman values her own worth and doesn’t settle for less than what she deserves.” – Unknown

“Self-respect is the key to her inner strength; she knows that by honoring herself, others will do the same.” – Unknown

“A woman who respects herself sets the standard for how she wants to be treated. She won’t settle for anything less.” – Unknown

“A self-respecting woman knows her worth and doesn’t allow anyone to define her value.” – Unknown

“A confident woman exudes self-respect because she knows her worth doesn’t depend on others’ opinions.” – Unknown

“A woman who possesses self-respect can face any challenge with grace, dignity, and unwavering strength.” – Unknown

“A woman with self-respect knows that her value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see her worth.” – Unknown

“Never forget your worth, because a woman who respects herself can’t be easily fooled or taken advantage of.” – Unknown I CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON YOU QUOTES

“Self-respect means knowing when to walk away from unhealthy relationships and surround yourself with positivity and love.” – Unknown

“A woman who respects herself will attract someone who respects her even more.” – Unknown

“Never be afraid to demand the respect you deserve. A woman with self-respect knows she is worthy of it.” – Unknown

“A strong woman stands up for herself, but a woman with self-respect walks away from anyone who disrespects her.” – Unknown

“Self-respect is the armor of a woman’s soul. It protects her from the harshness of the world and empowers her to rise above.” – Unknown

“A woman doesn’t have to compromise her self-worth to please others. She knows her value and strives for self-respect.” – Unknown

“A woman who honors herself and maintains self-respect can inspire others to do the same.” – Unknown

“Self-respect is the foundation of a confident woman; it allows her to be unapologetically herself.” – Unknown

“A woman with self-respect sets boundaries and doesn’t allow anyone to cross them.” – Unknown

“A strong woman embraces herself, flaws and all, with love and self-respect.” – Unknown

“A woman who respects herself knows her own power and uses it wisely.” – Unknown

“Never downplay your worth to fit into someone else’s life. A woman with self-respect knows she deserves better.” – Unknown

“A woman who respects herself won’t settle for being anyone’s option; she knows she is worthy of being someone’s priority.” – Unknown