“Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. I think it’s time you know that I like you.”

“I can’t stop thinking about you. You make my day brighter, and I wanted you to know that I have feelings for you.”

“You bring out the best in me, and being around you makes me incredibly happy. I hope you feel the same way.”

“Just being in your presence gives me a feeling I can’t explain. I want to take a chance and let you know I like you.”

“You’re like a magnet that pulls me in. I can’t deny the attraction I feel towards you.”

“I get a rush of excitement every time I see your name pop up on my phone. I think it’s time you know that I have feelings for you.”

“I enjoy our conversations so much because it feels like we have a unique connection. I’m starting to develop feelings for you.”

“You make me believe in love at first sight. I hope my feelings for you don’t go unnoticed.”

“I always find myself smiling when I’m around you. I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore – I like you.”

“There’s something about you that makes my heart race. I hope you can accept my feelings for you.”

“You’ve been on my mind constantly, and I can’t deny my growing affection towards you.”

“Spending time with you makes me incredibly happy. I think it’s time I let you know that I have feelings for you.” RELATIONSHIP SAVING QUOTES

“You’re the reason I look forward to each day. I wanted you to know that I’m falling for you.”

“Knowing you has brought joy into my life, and I wanted to confess my feelings – I like you.”

“You’ve captured my heart, and I hope you feel the same way. Let’s explore this connection between us.”

“Every time you’re around, my world lights up. I hope my feelings for you can brighten your day too.”

“Just the thought of you brings a smile to my face. It’s time you know that I have feelings for you.”

“I’ve been trying to find the right words to express my feelings, and I’ve come to the realization – I like you.”

“Being with you feels so natural, and I’ve fallen for you without even realizing it. My heart wants you to know.”

“You have a way of making me feel special, and it’s time I let you in on my feelings – I like you.”

“I can’t help but be drawn to you. I wanted to confess that I have feelings for you.”

“You make my heart flutter with just a simple glance. I hope you see the sincerity in my declaration – I like you.”

“You make me feel alive, and my affection for you keeps growing. I couldn’t hold it in any longer – I like you.”