“Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

“The only way to peace is through self-discovery.”

“Abide as the Self and give up the ego, then you shall shine as your own Self.”

“Meditation is not something that should be done. It should happen.”

“Silence is the true language of the Self.”

“The mind is a bundle of thoughts. If you can cling to one thought, all other thoughts become silent.”

“The world is nothing but mind and we are its slaves.”

“The mind is restless and difficult to control, but it can be tamed through practice.”

“The ego is the illusion that separates us from our true nature.”

“Seek the source of the mind and you will find eternal peace.”

“The mind creates the illusion of time, but in reality, there is only now.”

“You are not the body, nor the mind, nor the ego. You are the eternal, formless consciousness.”

“Happiness is not found in external objects but within oneself.”

“To know God, you must first know yourself.”

“Desires arise from a sense of lack. Realize your inherent completeness and be free from desires.”

“Surrender your ego and merge with the infinite ocean of consciousness.” POSITIVE QUOTES FOR MOVING FORWARD

“Do not identify with your thoughts. Observe them, but do not get attached.”

“The true guru is within you. Seek guidance from your own inner Self.”

“Do not seek enlightenment as a future goal. It is here and now, within you.”

“The highest form of prayer is to be still and connect with your own divine essence.”

“Thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky. Do not hold on to them.”

“Realize that there is no separation between yourself and the universe.”

“Do not react to life, respond to it with awareness and love.”

“Attach yourself to nothing and be free from suffering.”

“The mind is like a mirror, reflecting whatever comes before it. Be the witness of all experiences.”

“The ultimate truth is beyond words and concepts. It can only be experienced directly.”

“The purpose of life is to realize your true nature and live in alignment with it.”

“The mind is the cause of bondage, but also the key to liberation.”

“Let go of the past and future, and abide in the eternal present moment.”

“You are not separate from the source. You are the source itself.”