“Shameless persons have no regard for the well-being or feelings of others.”

“A shameless person is someone who will do anything to get what they want, regardless of the consequences.”

“Shameless individuals lack a moral compass and are driven solely by self-interest.”

“A shameless person has no shame in their dishonesty or deceit.”

“One can never trust a shameless person, as they will lie and manipulate without hesitation.”

“Shameless people are masters of manipulation, using charm and charisma to achieve their goals.”

“A shameless person has no conscience, allowing them to exploit and manipulate others without remorse.”

“Shameless individuals have no problem crossing boundaries or violating ethical standards.”

“Shameless people will stop at nothing to maintain their power or control over others.”

“A shameless person lacks empathy and is incapable of understanding or considering the impact of their actions on others.”

“Shameless individuals are shamelessly selfish, always putting their needs above anyone else’s.”

“A shameless person thrives on attention and will do anything to be the center of it.”

“Shameless people have no problem taking credit for others’ achievements or ideas.”

“A shameless person is shamelessly arrogant, believing they are superior to everyone else.”

“Shameless individuals lack integrity and will compromise their values for personal gain.”

“Shameless people have no problem betraying others for their own benefit.” GHEEBAT QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“A shameless person will never take responsibility for their actions, always shifting blame onto others.”

“Shameless individuals have a complete disregard for the rules and norms of society.”

“Shameless people will lie and manipulate without hesitation, without any guilt or remorse.”

“A shameless person lacks self-awareness, unable to recognize or acknowledge their own faults or shortcomings.”

“Shameless individuals are shamelessly opportunistic, using any situation to their advantage.”

“Shameless people are shamelessly self-serving, always looking out for themselves above all else.”

“A shameless person has no shame in betraying the trust of others.”

“Shameless individuals have no problem exploiting vulnerabilities or weaknesses in others.”

“Shameless people will use charm and charisma to deceive and manipulate others.”

“A shameless person is shamelessly dishonest, always lying to protect their own interests.”

“Shameless individuals lack empathy and are incapable of understanding or caring about the pain they cause.”

“Shameless people have no problem stepping on others to elevate themselves.”

“A shameless person will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, regardless of the impact on others.”

“Shameless individuals are shamelessly egotistical, always prioritizing their own needs above anyone else’s.”