“I’m an entrepreneur. ‘Ambitious’ is my middle name.”

“I can’t just take my ring off and pretend like it never happened. People saw it. People will always know.”

“My decision to end my marriage was not made lightly. But I will always prioritize my happiness and well-being.”

“I am my own biggest critic. No one can put more pressure on me than I put on myself.”

“I don’t think I have a talent that really stands out. I think I’m just really hardworking and driven.”

“Everything happens for a reason and everything’s a learning lesson.”

“I’m really conscious of [my] position as a role model. I try to carry myself in a way that reflects that.”

“I think people expect a lot from me, because of my family and my last name, but I expect even more from myself.”

“I’ve always believed in authenticity and staying true to oneself.”

“There’s a time and place for everything, and I believe there is power in subtlety.”

“I’m not the type to announce everything I do. I save that for my work and my family.”

“I definitely want to keep pushing boundaries and challenging myself.”

“I don’t really regret anything in my life. I believe that everything happens for a reason.” QUOTE ABOUT A LOVE ONE PASSED

“I’ve learned that you can’t make everyone happy. No matter what you do, there will always be critics.”

“I love when people underestimate me and then become pleasantly surprised.”

“I don’t mind being underestimated because it gives me the opportunity to prove myself.”

“I may not always make the best decisions, but I always learn from them.”

“I’m all about empowering other women. There’s strength in supporting each other.”

“I’ve learned that self-care is essential. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.”

“I don’t believe in labels or limits. I like to think outside the box.”

“I think it’s important to celebrate success. You have to enjoy the moments along the way.”

“I’m constantly evolving, both personally and professionally.”

“I believe in the power of positive thinking. Your mindset can truly shape your reality.”

“I know there’s a lot of criticism out there, but I try not to let it affect me. I stay focused on my goals.”

“At the end of the day, I just want to be known for being authentic and true to myself.”