“Sometimes I wonder if you were switched at birth.”

“You couldn’t find your way out of a paper bag.”

“You have the intelligence of a doorknob.”

“I’d have a better conversation with a brick wall than with you.”

“I’m surprised you even know how to tie your shoes.”

“You’re so clueless, it’s like living with a rock.”

“You’re the poster child for stupidity.”

“I don’t know how you manage to breathe and walk at the same time.”

“I’m starting to think you have a black hole for a brain.”

“You’re a master at making simple things overly complicated.”

“There’s no hope for you in the intelligence department.”

“Were you absent the day common sense was being taught?”

“You’re a walking textbook example of incompetence.”

“You must have been dropped on your head as a child.” INSPIRATIONS QUOTES

“It’s amazing how you consistently manage to make the wrong decision.”

“I can’t believe you actually believed that ridiculous idea.”

“You have the intellectual capacity of a fruit fly.”

“I think a hamster has a better understanding of the world than you do.”

“You make the dumbest mistakes with the simplest tasks.”

“I’m convinced you have a PhD in stupidity.”

“Do you even understand half of what you say?”

“You consistently prove that ignorance is bliss.”

“I wouldn’t trust your judgement on anything, ever.”

“You have a special talent for making everyone around you dumber.”

“You’re the epitome of ignorance and arrogance combined.”

“It’s a wonder you can function in society with such a limited intellect.”