“True friendship is built on trust and understanding, not stress and uncertainty.” – Unknown

“Friendship is not about how stressed we make each other, but how we bring out the best in one another.” – Unknown

“A friend is someone who understands your stress and helps you overcome it.” – Unknown

“Choose your friends wisely. Surround yourself with those who support and uplift you, rather than add to your stress.” – Unknown

“A true friend is a source of strength and a stress-reliever in times of difficulty.” – Unknown

“Friendship should alleviate your stress, not be the cause of it.” – Unknown

“Stress can strain even the strongest friendships. It’s important to communicate and work through it together.” – Unknown

“Don’t stress over a friend who doesn’t make effort. True friendship is a two-way street.” – Unknown

“True friends will help you manage stress, not create more of it.” – Unknown

“A friend who listens and offers support is worth more than anything money can buy. Don’t let stress drive them away.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with friends who understand your stress and will be there to lift you up when you need it.” – Unknown

“Stress can reveal who your real friends are. Hold onto those who stick around during difficult times.” – Unknown

“A good friend is a stress antidote. They can turn your worries into laughter.” – Unknown

“A true friend is one who can sense when you’re stressed, even without saying a word.” – Unknown DO QUOTES GO AFTER QUESTION MARK

“Sometimes all you need is a friend to talk to, to share your stress and lighten the burden.” – Unknown

“When stress overwhelms you, a loyal friend will be there to remind you that you’re not alone.” – Unknown

“Stress may test the strength of a friendship, but it also has the power to strengthen the bond.” – Unknown

“A friend who adds to your stress is not a friend worth keeping. Choose wisely.” – Unknown

“Friendship is a sanctuary from stress. Surround yourself with friends who bring you peace.” – Unknown

“A true friend will be there for you through the stressful times, providing comfort and support.” – Unknown

“A strong friendship is like a stress-free zone, where you can be yourself and find solace.” – Unknown

“Friendship should be a source of joy and relief, not stress and anxiety.” – Unknown

“Stress can push friendships to their limits, but it’s also an opportunity to strengthen and grow together.” – Unknown

“A true friend will help you see the bigger picture and put your stress into perspective.” – Unknown

“Stressful situations can bring out the best or the worst in our friendships. Choose to be the friend who supports and uplifts.” – Unknown

“Friendship is a powerful tool to combat stress. Cultivate and nurture those relationships.” – Unknown