“Teaching is a work of heart.”

“I teach, therefore I drink.”

“Teaching is the only job where you can steal supplies from your own office and it’s considered a perk.”

“I’m not a superhero, but I am a teacher, and that’s pretty close.”

“Teaching is a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.”

“Behind every successful student is a teacher who believed in them… and a pile of exam papers.”

“Teaching is the art of knowing which questions are worth answering.”

“To teach is to touch a life forever… with red pen marks.”

“Teaching is my cardio.”

“Teaching is like a box of chocolates; you never know which kid will start crying or screaming next.”

“Teaching is a battle between paper clips and hair ties. Paper clips always win.”

“Teaching is just like riding a bike, except the bike is on fire, you’re on fire, everything is on fire, and you’re in hell.”

“Teaching requires a sense of humor, preferably of the sarcastic variety.” LEADERSHIP AND MOTIVATION QUOTES

“I may look calm, but in my mind, I’ve punched you several times already.”

“The only thing I like more than coffee is my students… most days.”

“Dear students, don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s not like I actually know the answers.”

“Teaching is 90% patience and 10% trying not to swear.”

“Teaching isn’t a hobby, it’s a calling… a loud, chaotic, and incredibly rewarding calling.”

“I don’t always grade papers, but when I do, I make sure to have a large glass of wine.”

“Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions… and sometimes how to use a bathroom pass.”

“I’m a teacher, not a miracle worker. Although, some days I come pretty close.”

“It takes a big heart to shape little minds… and a very comfortable chair.”

“Teaching is the job that makes all other jobs possible… especially when you need to borrow money.”

“Teaching is like eating a bowl of alphabet soup… you never know what’s going to come out of your students’ mouths.”

“Teaching: the only profession where you can legitimately say, ‘No, I won’t use the bathroom pass. I’m the boss.'”