“You have the right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions.”

“Change is the law of the universe. You can be a millionaire or a pauper in an instant.”

“Do your work with the welfare of others always in mind.”

“One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, pleasure and pain, honor and dishonor, and is ever steadfast in duty.”

“The self-controlled soul, who moves among sense objects, free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal peace.”

“A yogi is greater than the ascetic, greater than the empiricist, and greater than the fruitive worker. Therefore, O Arjuna, in all circumstances, be a yogi.”

“Strive constantly to serve the welfare of the world; by devotion to selfless work, one attains the supreme goal of life.”

“Those who are motivated only by desire for the fruits of action are miserable, for they are constantly anxious about the results of what they do.”

“The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.”

“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.”

“When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place.”

“The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.”

“Whatever happened, happened for the good. Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good.” SUICIDE OF A FRIEND QUOTES

“The soul is neither born, and nor does it die.”

“The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.”

“Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge. Observe your discipline. Arise.”

“Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates to self-destructive hell.”

“The mind is fickle and can be impetuous, obstinate, and very strong, O Krishna. I consider it as difficult to control as the wind.”

“Even a little practice of this devotional service saves one from the great fear of material existence.”

“The Supreme Lord lives in the heart of every creature and revolves them by His supreme maya as if they were mounted on a machine.”

“The soul is never born and never dies. It has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. It does not take birth and death.”

“Those who see action in inaction and inaction in action are truly wise among humans.”

“The wise do not lament either for the living or the dead.”

“Among all kinds of killers, time is the ultimate killer.”

“Abandon pride, egoism, and the sense of possession, and absorb yourself in selfless work.”