“Good conquers evil every time.”

“The line between good and evil is blurred.”

“In the face of evil, be the light.”

“Choose good over evil; it’s worth the fight.”

“To fight evil, you must embrace your inner good.”

“Evil exists, but so does the power to overcome it.”

“An evil world can never defeat a good heart.”

“Goodness is the antidote to the poison of evil.”

“In the battle of good and evil, choose love.”

“The light of goodness can pierce through any darkness.”

“Strength lies in choosing good over evil.”

“The struggle between good and evil shapes us all.” QUOTES TO MAKE HER FEEL LOVED

“Be the good that surpasses the evil in this world.”

“In the face of evil, let kindness be your weapon.”

“Evil thrives when good people choose to do nothing.”

“The presence of evil reveals the true power of good.”

“Only through embracing good can we conquer evil.”

“Goodness is the ultimate weapon against evil.”

“In the darkest times, goodness shines the brightest.”

“The battle between good and evil lies within us all.”

“Choose love over hate, good over evil.”

“Evil is a choice; so is goodness.”

“A world without evil is a world filled with goodness.”