“Don’t let anyone else define who you are or what you can achieve.”

“I believe sport has the power to change lives and bring people together.”

“Racism is a disease that we all need to fight against.”

“Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.”

“It’s important to use our platforms to speak out for those who may not have a voice.”

“Success is not just about winning, it’s about the effort and commitment you put in.”

“Diversity and inclusion should be celebrated, not tolerated.”

“Always strive to be the best version of yourself.”

“Never underestimate the power of teamwork and unity.”

“Failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow.”

“We all have the power to make a positive impact in the world.” DONE WORK QUOTES

“Leadership is about empowering others and setting an example.”

“Be fearless in pursuit of your dreams and goals.”

“Never allow your background or circumstances to hold you back.”

“Kindness and empathy can change someone’s life.”

“Challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone.”

“Mistakes are a part of life, learn from them and keep moving forward.”

“Success is not about personal achievements, but about lifting others up.”

“The only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves.”

“We all have a responsibility to create a more inclusive and equal society.”