“Teaching is the only profession where you simultaneously feel like an expert and a complete failure at the same time.”

“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” – Albert Einstein

“If you think your teachers are tough, wait until you get a boss.” – Bill Gates

“Teaching: the profession that creates all other professions.”

“I teach, therefore I drink.”

“Teaching is a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.”

“Teaching is a stage, and we are the lead actors in a never-ending comedy.”

“Behind every successful student, there is a burnt-out teacher.”

“Teaching: the art of imparting wisdom upon an unsuspecting audience… that sometimes pretends to be listening.”

“I became a teacher because I love working with kids, not because I wanted summers off. Now where did I put my sunscreen?”

“Teaching: where the jobs are scarce, and the free time is non-existent.”

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.” YOU HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL EYES QUOTES

“Teaching is a daily exercise in empathy and patience… and a constant reminder that you really need to bring your own snacks to school.”

“Teaching is dancing in the rain while trying to hold an umbrella over 20 kids.”

“Teaching is like being on a roller coaster, except you’re the one holding the seatbelts and trying to stop the screaming.”

“Teaching: the only profession where your job is to make other people’s kids smarter and then send them home.”

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. Also, please don’t forget to return my pens.”

“Teaching strategy: tell them to put away their phones, then spend the entire lesson on your phone.”

“I’m not a teacher, I just ask the questions… and grade the answers.”

“Teaching is the art of changing ‘I understand nothing’ into ‘I can do that now.'”

“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

“Teaching is a thankless job… so you better get used to people saying ‘thank you’ a lot.”

“Teaching: the only profession that requires you to fake a smile even when you’re not paid enough to buy an actual smile.”